Turkey, my love!!!



Για να επισκεφθείς το δωμάτιο 411 στο Πέρα Παλάς της Κωσταντινούπολης θέλεις ειδική άδεια. Είναι το φάντασμα της Αγκαθα Κρίστι που δεν σηκώνει αδιακρισίες. Σ’ αυτό το δωμάτιο του μουσείου ρετρό ξενοδοχειακής συμπεριφοράς είχε οδηγήσει την αστυνομία και τους δημοσιογράφους μια αποκρυφίστρια, η οποία έλεγε ότι είχε επικοινωνήσει με το «πνεύμα» της δαιμόνιας Αγγλίδας που της εκμυστηρεύτηκε ότι είχε ζήσει κάποιες μέρες της ζωής της σ’ αυτό το χώρο. Το κλειδί του δωματίου βρέθηκε στη σοφίτα του σπιτιού της Αγκαθα, κάτω από ένα δοκάρι κι έκτοτε το εμπορικό δαιμόνιο στην Τουρκία δουλεύει με χίλια. Αν κάποιος μάλιστα θέλει να αγοράσει ένα κλειδί, πανομοιότυπο του δικού της, δεν έχει παρά να πληρώσει δυο τρία δολάρια στη ρεσεψιόν και θα γίνει καταδικό του. Τι θα το κάνει; Μα, θα το κρύψει στη δική του σοφίτα, ώστε οι επόμενες γενιές να μπορούν να διαιωνίζουν τους ίδιους ή διαφορετικούς μύθους.Ομως, η Τουρκία έχει προ καιρού απομακρυνθεί από τους μύθους που συνδέονται με το «Οριάν Εξπρές»orient-express-76478-sw.jpg

Orient Express

Η γοητεία του Πέρα απευθύνεται στον τουρίστα που επισκέπτεται τη χώρα, χωρίς να διαισθάνεται και φυσικά χωρίς να ενδιαφέρεται για τη συγκλονιστική διαπάλη ανάμεσα στο κοσμικό, παρελθοντολογικό καθεστώς και το σημερινό μετριοπαθές Ισλάμ (που δεν ξέρουμε ωστόσο πόσο μετριοπαθές είναι). Ενας αυστηρός ασπρομάλλης δικαστής, ο Αμπντουραχμάν Γιαλτσινκάγια, εισαγγελέας του Ακυρωτικού Δικαστηρίου της Τουρκίας, μπορεί να εξελιχθεί στον αστάθμητο ανατρεπτικό παράγοντα της χώρας και σύντομα να δούμε διαγκωνισμούς μοναδικού εύρους και σημασίας για την ευρύτερη περιοχή της Ανατολίας. Οχι, κανείς δεν κινδυνολογεί.

Η Τουρκία διολισθαίνει μονίμως προς τα πίσω. Επιστρέφει σε μεθόδους ξεπερασμένες. Το κοσμικό κράτος, πανίσχυρο έως πρόσφατα μέσα από αλλεπάλληλα πραξικοπήματα του προστάτη – στρατού δεν παραδίδει εύκολα τη σκυτάλη στη νέα γενιά των πολιτικών που στην προκειμένη περίπτωση είναι οι Ισλαμιστές. Ο ασπρομάλλης εισαγγελέας, λοιπόν, λέει ότι «η βασική αρχή του πολιτικού Ισλάμ είναι η σαρία» και έχει ζητήσει από το συνταγματικό δικαστήριο να απαγορεύσει τη λειτουργία του κυβερνώντος κόμματος Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης του Ερντογάν. Διατείνεται, και προφανώς θα έχει ένα κάρο επιχειρήματα, ότι εμπλέκεται σε πράξεις που αντιβαίνουν στον κοσμικό χαρακτήρα του κράτους. Προφανώς, η πρωτοβουλία, φυσιολογική για την Τουρκία, αφύσικη όμως για την Ευρώπη, αποτελεί ευθεία βολή προς την εθνοσυνέλευση, η οποία ψήφισε υπέρ της ελεύθερης χρήσης της μαντίλας στα πανεπιστήμια, όπου ίσχυε σχετική απαγόρευση. Τι το ’θελε κι αυτή; Εμ, δεν ήξερε, δεν ρώταγε κανένα περπατημένο ιστορικό της χώρας;

Ολοι πίστευαν ότι ο ευρωπαϊκός προσανατολισμός της Τουρκίας και ο «καημός» της να ενταχθεί στην Ε.Ε. θα συνέτεινε ώστε να αποφευχθούν ακραίες ρυθμίσεις, όπως αυτή με τη μαντίλα. Ενδεχομένως, όμως, η απόφαση της κυβέρνησης Ερντογάν να στηρίξει σημαντικά κεφάλαια του Ισλάμ να αποτελεί έμμεσο εκβιασμό προς την Ευρώπη που μέρα με την ημέρα αφήνει να φανεί περισσότερο η γυρισμένη της πλάτη και λιγότερο το πρόσωπό της. Τελευταία ο Ερντογάν δεν σηκώνει μύγα στο σπαθί του και μάλιστα τα έψαλε για τα καλά στη Γερμανίδα καγκελάριο Μέρκελ, όταν επισκέφθηκε τις προάλλες τη Γερμανία. «Δώστε μου για να σας δώσω», είναι το σλόγκαν στο οποίο παραμένει προσκολλημένος ο Τούρκος πρωθυπουργός, έχοντας δείξει έως σήμερα πολλές φορές τον καλύτερό του εαυτό. Και πώς θα μπορούσε να πράξει διαφορετικά, από τη στιγμή που η αυταρχική στάση των κεμαλικών προς τους ισλαμιστές αναγκάζει τους τελευταίους να υιοθετούν εκσυγχρονιστικές μεθόδους και να εμφανίζονται δημοκρατικότεροι των δημοκρατικών. Εξ ου και το κόμμα του Ερντογάν αποκαλείται εκσυγχρονιστικό. Ομως τα πράγματα αλλάζουν και ο ίδιος θα κληθεί τώρα να πάρει θέση (αμυντική, επιθετική, ποιος ξέρει;) απέναντι στο νέο σκηνικό που θυμίζει τις… παλιές καλές εποχές.

Λίγη ιστορία δεν έβλαψε ποτέ κανένα. Θυμάμαι το κυνήγι εναντίον του κόμματος του Νετζμετίν Ερμπακάν. Η ιστορία πηγαίνει πίσω στο Κόμμα Εθνικής Τάξης, το οποίο τέθηκε εκτός νόμου με απόφαση του Συνταγματικού Δικαστηρίου στις 20 Μαΐου του 1971. Ο Ερμπακάν πρωτοστατούσε τότε στην πολιτική σκηνή της Τουρκίας. Η απαγόρευση του Κόμματος Εθνικής Τάξης δεν εμπόδισε τον Ερμπακάν να ηγηθεί του νεοσύστατου κόμματος Εθνικής Σωτηρίας, το οποίο επίσης τέθηκε εκτός νόμου με το στρατιωτικό πραξικόπημα του 1980. Αργότερα, όταν τα «όπλα» εσίγησαν για λίγο, ιδρύθηκε το κόμμα της Ευημερίας, με τον Ερμπακάν να ζει πρωθυπουργικά μεγαλεία, παρέα με το… αντίπαλο δέος της Τανσού Τσιλέρ. Αλλά στη ζωή του Ερμπακάν εισήλθε βιαίως ο γνωστός μας Αχμέτ Σεζέρ, τότε πρόεδρος του Συνταγματικού Δικαστηρίου και μετέπειτα πρόεδρος της Τουρκίας. Οπότε, υπό την ιδιότητα του προέδρου του Δικαστηρίου διέταξε τον εξοστρακισμό του κόμματος της Ευημερίας (το κόμμα κατηγορούσε ως αμαρτωλές τις ακάλυπτες γυναίκες), το οποίο όμως αντικαταστάθηκε από το κόμμα της Αρετής! Αλλά και αυτό τέθηκε εκτός νόμου, για να φτάσουμε στην ίδρυση του σημερινού κόμματος Δικαιοσύνης και Ανάπτυξης, του οποίου η κεφαλή, κεκαλυμμένη ή μη, παίζεται γενικώς.izmir-roman-agora-very1.jpg


Παλιότερα, συγγραφείς και δημοσιογράφοι αναφέρονταν συχνά στο ενδεχόμενο πραξικοπήματος, τη λεγόμενη εύκολη λύση. Πίστευαν όμως ότι από κάποια στιγμή και πέρα –πολλώ δε μάλλον από την έναρξη της διαδικασίας ένταξης της Τουρκίας στην Ε.Ε – τέτοιες «εύκολες» παρεμβάσεις δεν θα ήταν απαραίτητες. Η θεωρία τους βασιζόταν στη λεγόμενη «εμπέδωση του Ισλάμ», η οποία έλεγε ότι στην Τουρκία μπορεί να επαναληφθεί το παράδειγμα της χριστιανικής Δύσης, όπου η επιρροή της θρησκείας, κυρίως στην Ευρώπη, έχει μειωθεί. Με λίγα λόγια, η θεωρία διατυμπάνιζε ότι όσο η Τουρκία θα γίνεται πλουσιότερη, τόσο θα παρατηρείται μείωση των δραστηριοτήτων του Ισλάμ. Οι διανοούμενοι υπέρμαχοι του κοσμικού καθεστώτος αισθάνονταν σχεδόν ανακουφισμένοι απ’ αυτό το ενδεχόμενο και σκέπτονταν ότι αν οι κυβερνήσεις λάμβαναν τα σωστά οικονομικά μέτρα, αν το βιοτικό επίπεδο των Τούρκων βελτιωνόταν κι αν αποφεύγονταν οι πολεμικές συρράξεις, όλα θα εξελίσσονταν ομαλά και η επίδραση του Ισλάμ στις μεγάλες λαϊκές μάζες θα συρρικνώνονταν.


( Σμύρνη)

Κι ενώ επικρατεί η άποψη ότι οι Τούρκοι ενστερνίζονται έως ένα μεγάλο βαθμό το laisser faire απέναντι στη θρησκεία τους, τα στοιχεία δείχνουν άλλα πράγματα. Οι νέες συνοικίες των πόλεων συνεχίζουν να κτίζονται γύρω από τα τζαμιά και η θρησκευτική δραστηριότητα είναι εξίσου έντονη στις πόλεις και στα χωριά. Ο αναπτυσσόμενος τομέας των επιχειρήσεων που στρέφονται προς το Ισλάμ υπολογίζεται ότι ελέγχει ένα πολύ υψηλό ποσοστό του τουρκικού εμπορίου. Ο τομέας των ισλαμικών τραπεζών και επενδύσεων έχει αναπτυχθεί ραγδαία, υποδηλώνοντας ότι η πίστη και το εμπόριο δεν είναι ασύμβατες υποθέσεις. Το Ισλάμ διαθέτει σπουδαία συνδικάτα, εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα, τηλεοπτικά κανάλια… Και το κρίσιμο ερώτημα από δω και πέρα: Θα αναλάβει το κόμμα του Ταγίπ Ερντογάν τη δέσμευση για ένα μετριοπαθές Ισλάμ; Θα περιοριστεί η θρησκευτική ρητορική υπέρ μιας θρησκευτικής επανάστασης που υφέρπει στις χαμηλές κοινωνικά τάξεις της γείτονος; Οι φιλο-ισλαμικές τάσεις θα παραμείνουν υψηλά υπολογίσιμες, επιτρέποντας την επικράτηση της λογικής των μεταβλητών; Ή μήπως θα ζήσουμε στρατιωτικούς Αρμαγεδδώνες; Και η άμεμπτη δημοκρατικά Ευρωπαία κόρη πώς θα αντιδράσει, εκτός αν στείλει ως προπομπό της το φάντασμα της Αγκαθα Κρίστι.


Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Καθημερινή 23-3-2008
Kατηγορίες Oh my God!,theme,Turkey

42 σκέψεις σχετικά με το “Turkey, my love!!!

  1. Χμ, δε θυμάμαι καμιά ιδιαίτερη αυστηρότητα στο -μυστηριακό κατά τ’ άλλα- Πέραν Πάλας. Μονάχα ίσως τον καμαρότο, που μας ξενάγησε στο δωμάτιο -όπως και σ’ αυτό του Κεμάλ, που είναι, νομίζω, σε άλλο πάτωμα.
    Πάντως το Πέραν είναι πράγματι μαγικό</a.

  2. @@ttallou….Προφανώς εγώ βλεπω τα πράγματα λίγο πιο περιέργα. Φταίει κι αυτό το καταραμένο το δαιμόνιο… Ναι ειναι μαγικό… εγω τοχω γράψει Πέρα, αλλά νομίζω ότι το σωστό ειναι Πέραν.
    χαιρετω και επισκεπτομαι το σχετικό σάιτ.

  3. Τον θρησκευτικό φανατισμό ο χριστιανισμός τον έζησε στο μεσαίωνα. Τώρα το ισλάμ περνάει το δικό του φανατισμό, δηλαδή οδεύει προς το δικό του μεσαίωνα. Η δημοκρατία δεν επικράτησε παρά ένα σύντομο διάστημα στην ιστορία της ανθρωπότητας, όπως και ο ρεαλισμός στην ιστορία της λογοτεχνίας. Φοβάμαι (σχήμα λόγου, είμαι σίγουρος) πως η Τουρκία οδεύει από τον κεμαλικό αυταρχισμό όχι στη δημοκρατία αλλά στον ισλαμικό αυταρχισμό. Αυτοί που την έχουν βαμμένη είναι οι γυναίκες. Οι κεμαλιστές απαγόρευσαν τη μαντίλα στα πανεπιστήμια. Οι ισλαμιστές θα την επιβάλλουν. Η ελευθερία που έχουν σήμερα οι γυναίκες να τη φοράνε ή να μην τη φοράνε θα είναι πολύ σύντομη.

  4. Παρ’ όλα αυτά, για να έρθω και στην ελληνική επικαιρότητα, στην Τουρκία μόνον ο πολιτικός γάμος αναγνωρίζεται ως έγκυρος. Ο θρησκευτικός, όπως και σε άλλες χώρες, υφίσταται ως προαιρετικός. Ενώ στην Ελλάδα κουβεντιάζουμε ακόμη περί… πορνείας.

  5. Και οι γυναίκες είχαν δικαίωμα ψήφου από το 1934, ενώ στην Ελλάδα μόλις το 1952.

  6. Όταν διαβάζω τα περί Τουρκίας, με πιάνει μια μελαγχολία… Όχι γι’ αυτά που τραβούν οι Τούρκοι με τους δικούς τους οπισθοδρομικούς, αλλά γιατί συνειδητοποιώ ότι εμείς μπορεί να είμαστε λίγο καλύτερα (σε ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα κλπ), αλλά όχι πολύ. Πόρνες οι Τουρκάλες που δεν φορούν μαντήλα κατά το Ισλάμ, πόρνοι κι εμείς που κάνουμε έρωτα, χωρίς παπά και κουμπάρο.. Α, και θυμήθηκα και κάτι που είναι πιο προοδευτικοί οι Τούρκοι. Υποχρεωτικός ο πολιτικός γάμος εκεί και μετά ό,τι θέλουν ας κάνουν με το θρησκευτικό. Εδώ ισότιμοι και οι δυο.

  7. Πιστεύω ότι ένας Ερντογάν δεν αρκεί για να αλλάξει το θρησκευτικό αυταρχισμό, που είναι ποτισμένη η μέση τουρκικη σκέψη. Αλλά είναι ένας καλός «ενδιάμεσος». Η τουρκική κοινωνία ζει κρυφομουσουλμανικά τον θρησκευτικό της δογματισμό. Χρειάζεται κάποιον να την αντιμετωπίσει έτσι όπως είναι και να την προχωρήσει από πραγματικές βάσεις. Και ο Ερντογάν είναι ο πιο σημαντικός. Μπορεί το Ισλάμ να γίνει μετριοπαθές και να το αγκαλιάσει η δυτική λογική, αλλά είναι αργά τα βήματα και δεν γίνεται διαφορετικά δυτστυχώς.
    Καλημέρα ριτσάκι.

  8. Νομίζω ότι ο σύνχρονος κόσμος γεμίζει τους ανθρώπους με πολλούς φόβους, και ψάχνουν για απαντήσεις στο παρελθόν. Η πολιτική εκφράζει τη κοινωνία, αρα….

  9. εμένα, απο όλο το κείμενο μου άρεσαν οι φωτογραφίες, ιδιως αυτές τις Καππαδοκίας. Παλιά στο Λυκειο των Ελληνίδων χορεύαμε τέτοιους χορούς, υπέροχους και είχαν έναν ρυθμό, ενα λικνισμα …. τί να σας πώ…. Τώρα, απλώς τα πρακτορεία διοργανώνουν εκδρομές στους βράχους, στα σπήλαια, σ αυτή την παραδοξότητα της αρχιτεκτονικής, μα εκείθε τιποτ άλλο.

    Ως προς την Τουρκία, τώρα, να πω ότι οι γυναίκες κέρδισαν πράγματα με τη βοήθεια του κεμαλικού καθεστώτος. Στο εξής , δεν ειναι ιδιαίτερα αισιόδοξη, παρ ότι στον μουσουλμανικό κόσμο η γυναίκα προχωράει, αλλα΄υπό πολλές προϋποθέσεις και απειρους συμβιβασμούς.
    Από την άλλη, μου ειναι δύσκολο να καταλάβω πώς αν αυτή ειναι η επιθυμία του λαού – εννοώ ενα ισλαμικό καθεστώς – να παρεμβαίνει ο στρατός ‘ή ή δικαιοσύνη και να απειλεί. Σίγουρα οποιαδήποτε ενέργεια αντιβαίνει στο συνταγμα, πατασσεται, αλλά , θα πω με προσοχή μεγάλη, δεν μπορείς να ποδηγετείς εναν λαό που στην πλειοψηφία του κοιτάζει αλλού.
    Ελπιζω να μην εκληφθούν τα λόγια διαφορετικά από το τρόπο που εγώ τα θέτω.

    Σοφία μου, δεν ξέρω αν είναι τόσο ο φοβος που παρασύρει τους ανθρώπους αλλου. Αλλάζουν οι καιροί και οι άνθρωποι παυουν να σκέπτονται με γνώμονα το παρελθόν.

  10. σχετικά με το γάμο, στο ισλάμ ο γάμος δεν είναι υπόθεση θρησκείας γιατί δεν υπάρχουν αφενός μυστήρια, ούτε αφετέρου υπάρχει θρησκευτική τελετή για γάμο. ένας έγκυρος γάμος σύμφωνα με το ορθόδοξο ισλάμ είναι μια συμφωνία κυρίων (του κηδεμόνα του κοριτσιού και του μέλλοντος συζύγου, καθώς και το μαχρ, η ας πούμε προίκα που οφείλει ο γαμπρός προς τη νύφη ανάλογα με τα κοινωνικά και ταξικά προσόντα της, κ.ἀ.

  11. ο καμαρότος έξω από κάθε δύο δωμάτια να στέκεται διαρκώς εκεί, ε, δε μπορεί, είναι ένα είδος πολυτελούς και ρομαντικότατης κατασκοπείας:) πάντως είναι υπέροχο ξενοδοχείο, παλιά ελληνικό, εξαιρετικό…
    προσωπικά, από τις μοναδικές εμπειρίες σε στυλ ξενοδοχείου με πραγματικό στυλ. στυλ-ξυλ, τα περισσότερα ξενοδοχεία. σ’αυτό, όχι. σφραγίδες άλλων εποχών και άρα, ναι, σαν να είναι μυστηριακό να ξυπνάς εκεί με τη γλυκύτητα του μουεζίνη κάθε πρωί εκεί, γύρω στις πέντε…
    το εβιάν παρακαλώ… είμαι ρομαντική φύση…
    ωστόσο έζησα κι άλλα στο μοναδικό εν Πόλει ταξίδιον που πραγματοποιήθηκε πριν μερικά χρόνια…
    ίσως κάπου να θέλω να αναφερθώ!
    χρόνια πολλά σε όλους λόγω της ημέρας!

  12. Μόλις έλαβα ένα Mail από ένα Τούρκο φίλο μου . Θέλω λίγο να τα ξεκαθαρίσω στο μυαλό μου όλα αυτά που μου έγραψε και θα επανέλθω! Πάντως τα πράματα δεν είναι καλά!
    Και για εκείνους και επομένως και για εμάς.

  13. "Το τέρας της Αμάθειας" 25 Μαρτίου, 2008 — 5:28 μμ

    Τι ωραία που «με» ταξιδεύεις…! Και λίγη ιστορία δεν έβλαψε ποτέ κανέναν!

    Την καλησπέρα μου 🙂

  14. Παρεμπιπτόντως, τα ίδια με την Τουρκία ισχύουν και στη Ρωσία, στην Ισπανία, στη Γαλλία, στη Γερμανία από το… 1875 και σε άλλες χώρες, όπως είπα πριν. Στις οποίες απ’ ό, τι φαίνεται από καιρό κυριαρχεί η… πορνεία στις σχέσεις των δυο φύλων.

  15. @@@gerasimos….Καλα, Γεράσιμε το εμπεδώσαμε το θέμα… αλλά γιατί το επαναφέρεις; Μήπως έχεις άλλα κατά νου αγαπητέ μου φίλε ; Κι επειδή ειπε ο ανθιμος, δηλαδή, τί θα συμβεί φοβερό , για να καταλάβω βρε παιδί μου κι εγω η αδαής.

  16. «Το τέρας της Αμάθειας»…. νασαι καλα. κι εγω χαιρομαι όταν με ταξιδεύουν άλλοι.

  17. @@Philos…. περιμενω νέα σου

  18. @@Eleni….evian θες; αμεσως, στα σουπερμαρκετ τινγκα μαζί με άλλα ωραία. Α.Ελενάκι, εισαι και ρομαντικό παιδί ετσι; Πάντως το περιβάλλον ειναι ομορφο, ο,τι και να λεμε τώρα εμείς.

  19. @@Μεροπη… μου, εχεις ακούσει δύσκολοι καιροί για πρίγκιπες ; αυτό ισχύει και για μας και για τους Τούρκους

  20. 2 αντιφασιστικά Blogs που θα συζητηθούν:



  21. @@Sofia….σου απάντησα Σοφάκι στο γενικό κομματι μου στη μέση.

    @@Βασίλη μου…δεν ξερω κατα ποσον ο Ερντογάν ειναι ο καταλληλότερος. Περιμένουμε να δουμε..

  22. Συγνώμη. Ήταν όντως, πλέον άσχετο με την ανάρτηση.

  23. ριτσα μασουρα 25 Μαρτίου, 2008 — 10:44 μμ

    gerasimos…. βρε καλο μου δεν εννοούσα αυτό. Απλώς ας μην κολάει η βελόνα. δεν αξίζει τον κόπο, λέω.

  24. Είναι απίστευτο ότι συζητάμε το πρόβλημα του 19ου αι. ξανά: Είναι προστασία των ατομικών και πολιτικών δικαιωμάτων η υποχρεωτικά παρεμβατική πολιτική (καλά, η δικτατορία δε λογίζεται ως επιλογή, σε καμία περίπτωση, αλλά λέω για τις νομοθετικές ρυθμίσεις)? Πρέπει να υποχρεωθεί ο τουρκικός λαός (στην ουσία το ζήτημα επικεντρώνεται στις γυναίκες) σε αυτό που νοείται ως αυτοδιάθεση στις δυτικές κοι νωνίες, έστω και με το ζόρι? (μέσα μου το έχω λύσει, -ήμουν για παράδειγμα από αυτούς που συμφωνούσαν με την απαγόρευση της μαντίλας στα γαλλικά σχολεία- απλά ντρέπομαι ενίοτε για την επιλογή μου…)

  25. @@babis…..ΜΠάμπη, συμφωνώ με τον μεσαίωνα. Τοχω συζητήσει αρκετές φορές με…αρμοδίους και είναι κάπως έτσι.

    @@Meniek…εσύ πάλι γιατί εχεις ντροπές; ελευθερες κοινωνίες είμαστε και λεμε αυτό που μας εκφράζει, αυτό που πιστεύουμε….θεωρώ απαράδεκτο, πάντως,να πηγαίνεις σε μια αλλη χωρα, η οποία μπορεί να σε βοηθήσει οικονομικα ( λεμε τωρα Γαλλια) και εσύ να μην θες να αποδεχτείς τίποτα από τα δικά της δεδομένα…. Σημερα στην Ευρωπη γινεται μια μεγαλη κουβέντα για την αφομοιωση ή την ενσωμάτωση. Αφορμή βεβαιως η επισκεψη Εντογάν στη Γερμανία… Βεβαιως κατανοώ και θεωρώ δικαιο το αιτημα της Τουρκίας για σχολεια – κι εμείς εχουμε τα δικά μας – και οι φιλιππινέζοι εχουν εδω στην ελλαδα τα δικά τους – αλλά από κει και πέρα να θέτει θεμα προσδιορισμού των εννοιών αφομοιωση -ενσωμάτωση, παει μακριά..
    κριμα, γιατί πιστευω ότι ολα αυτά( τα εσωτερικά τουρκικά εννοώ) ειναι μεταξυ αλλων και κοντρες με την Ευρώπη.

  26. sigharitiria gia to blog sas. Tha to episkeptomai taktika.. opos kai tin tourkia ton avgousto..

  27. @@Alexis Stamatis…ευχαριστώ και …καλή τύχη.

  28. Ωραίο τα ξιδάκι στο «εσωτερικό» των γειτόνων μας!
    Αργούν ακόμα….. και να θέλουν να μπούν σε πιο γρήγορο τρένο δεν μπορούν, κάποιοι βάζουν τρικλοποδιά και μπαίνουν σε πιο αργό συρμό.Διάθεσή υπάρχει βέβαια αλλά μάλλον δεν αρκεί αυτό όταν η πολιτική σκηνή τους είναι έτσι!

    Μοναδικές φωτό!!

    Φιλιά και λουλουδένιες αγκαλιές!

  29. ριτσα μασουρα 26 Μαρτίου, 2008 — 11:40 πμ

    @@@ θαλασσινη μου…Επιτέλους δηλαδη, σχολιάζεις τις φωτο μου.Πήγα να σκάσω. Βρε παιδιά, οι φωτο μου; Τέτοιο σνομπάρισμα ; Γιατί ;
    φιλια μικρό μου και πραγματικά λουλουδένιες αγκαλιές…

  30. πρώτον οι φωτό δυστυχώς παραμελούνταν υπέρ ενός πολύ συμπυκνωμένου κειμένου (αποδέξου το καλή μου αποδέξου το… ) Αν είχε συμβεί το αντίθετο θα έπρεπε να σκεφτείς μήπως καλύτερα να είχες κάνει καριέρα ως φωτογράφος και ουχί ως δημοσιογράφος να το πω? αρθρογράφος να το πω? columnist (κατά το αγγλοσαξωνικό) να το πω??? (ότι και να το πω πολύ επιτυχημένο θα το χαρακτηρίσω…
    Και θα γράψω και το σχετικοάσχετό μου… όταν άνοιξε το μπλογκάκι, και πριχού φανούν οι φωτό και το κείμενο… (μη γελείτε….) νόμιζα ότι επρόκειτο περί της γαλοπούλας 🙂 (τι να πεις??? ο καθείς και τα προβληματάκια/άρες του! εγώ με την απέχθεια για τα πτηνά….)

  31. καλέ, πώς σουρθε αυτο με τη γαλοπούλα, από το τεκρι, προφανώς έτσι; μα τα θενκσγκιβινγκ περασαν, πέρασαν….
    Φωτογράφος είπες; α, μπα δεν ειμαι ταλαντούχος… χαλι μαύρο, αλλά να τις διαλέγω, εντάξει προσπαθώ….
    γραφιάς, θα προτιμούσα

  32. πολύ καλό το κείμενο, φωτίζει τα πράγματα.

  33. @@Κροτ….καλώς το κορίτσι το Βρυξελλιώτικο. Πώς πέρασες το γουικέντ;
    Ευχαριστώ για την παρατήρησή σου, δεν ξέρω αν φωτίζει τα πράγματα ή αν δειχνει τη σκοτεινή πλευρά τους, αλλά ομολογώ ότι κάτι δεν μου πάει καλα. θα τα λεμε.

  34. Από τα στρατιωτικά περάσαμε πια στα δικαστικά πραξικοπήματα.
    Αν αυτό δεν είναι πρόοδος, δεν είναι εκσυγχρονισμός, δεν είναι εκδημοκρατισμός, τότε τι είναι;

  35. Allu Fan Marx…. περιμένω απάντηση στην Καρλα, παρακαλώ.Αντε, γιατί εχω να τρεξω τώρα…
    Διαβασες χθες στις εφημερίδες τα του μουφτή στη θράκη και την απόφαση του ευρωπαικού δικαστηρίου ; καπου υπαρχει ενα μποξακι με το τί προβλεπει η σαρία για τα ζευγάρια….αχ, θελω σαρία, μωρέ….

  36. Πολύ όμορφο το κείμενο. Γιατί όσο περισσότερα μαθαίνουμε, τόσο καλύτερα αντιμετωπίζουμε τα πράγματα. Παρεμπιπτόντως, η Πόλη είναι πανέμορφη…

  37. kitsosmitsos…symfono gia tin Poli kai tin omorfia tis…. xreiazetai na mathainoyme ,allios tha mas vroun ston ypno

  38. I am the daughter of the man, who had a symbol in Vatican and whose
    face is identical to Joann Paul II. During 10 years I was under strong
    financial pressing in Vilnius. And lived with my younger son for 60
    dollars per month. Psychological pressure, pressure to leave a job,
    leaving without incomes and finances at all. Since October of 2001 till
    2007 all the force of repressing machine was put on us: poisoning,
    accidents, multiple threatening to life and health, prosecution
    institutions.I have savage fascism in Lithuania in my own flat and in my
    own life and life of my son. I was born in 11.06.1956. I am a
    journalist. My real name is Anna – Kristina- Alexandra. I am an
    impaired person since birth, and walk with the help of prosthetic
    appliances. My place of living was Vilnius, Lithuania- my own father hid
    me there.I don’t know why. But I know that Mazheikiu Nafta had 10%
    shares of Lukoil, may be you know why? Or may be you know why you friend
    Brazauskas,father of twins, was the head of some company in Gedimino
    11? I think you gave you word for one person,may be you don’t forgot
    about it? After queen Elizabeth and his husband’s visit to Lithuania
    (16.10.2006-18.10.2006) 21.10.2006 Hubertas Grusnys was killed, whose
    radio Lietus a week before told about poisoning with toxicoids me and my
    son in our flat.What happened with my own flat in Vilnius? Who must pay
    for that? Who must pay for all that savages and fascists things? And
    where is my own father’s money? And where is his oil business that
    he left in Lithuania? I am the only child of my own father and the only
    inhariter.I did not present nor business nor money for nobody, I did not
    asking that peoples to be the managers.Who answer for all of that?
    Here is my bank account number. Please, help them to return all my money.
    IBAN: PL69 1440 1228 0000 0000 0403 0672, SWIFT BIC NDEAPLP2
    I need all my money mr.Lubys.

  39. Once again Rotsheld risks to wake up tied without paints, his children robbed poisoned and they would even be forced to prove that they are his children. Who is that freak? Where is my own father and where is his property and finances? I was treated in a very similair way. I also was robbed, forced to be at line of poorness. One and the same scheme was used. Is my own father so bad man? Or someone owed him very much? May be many people became trustees of my inherited assets, and yet used to think my inheritage theres? Where is my own father? And where are his assets and money? For such a complex operation with my finances they must have had someone’s help and support. Who helped them? Who devided and took my money?

    I am the daughter of the man,whose face is identical to Joann Paul II. In Italy he is known as Tata Giovanni (Father Giovanni) .He lived in Rome and worked in the USA. I lived with adopting family in Yekaterinburg in the place of killing Royal Romanov family. Why? Who from my own family is a queen? My own grandmother? Or what does it means? Address was Moskowskaya street 9-31. In Moskovskaya street 9-20 lives Hussein family with daughter Aleksandra. My real name is Anna-Kristina-Aleksandra. What does it means? Who fined that information?Who really have aggression against Muslims countries and against Iraq and Hussein? I know that my own grandfather Naum was Muslims friend. And when he invest his money in Russia he took gold as financial guarantee. May be in Iraq and near Hussein my enemies searching that gold? I know that everything my relatives had they left as inheritage to me. I need to find, who has management of it in his hands, and which is the state of property and assets. I don,t know how my identity could be hidden, because I have unique right leg, which was disfigured from birth. This is my unique sign, nobody could be mistaken normally in my identification. Business of my own grandfather was oil and gas, casino and hotels of Las-Vegas. Own father too. During 10 years I was under strong financial pressing. And lived with my younger son for 60 dollars per month. Who became a manager and do that? Since October of 2001 till 2007 all the force of repressing machine was put on us. I have savage fascism in Lithuania in my own flat and in my own life and life of my son. We came out of there on our four. We have total control. Causes – multi billion assets in-heritage from my own relatives. Since 1993 year I was pressed financially at first, I lives with my son and we have 60-100$ for month. And even it is well known that a person is dead without money, my attackers didn’t stop – since 2001 year I had seven savage attacks on me on a territory of Lithuania – was poisoned with HCl, toxicoids,I was systematically trivially beaten, I had a traffic accident – was hit by a car on the pedestrians on green light for me, poisoned with hallucinogens and with my son pushed out to bogs in winter, where we have spent 3 nights. Those attacks started 3 weeks after twin-towers in the USA were ruined. They were ruined in 11.09.2001. I was born in 11.06 – month of twins-Gemini. More, the only citizen of Lithuania died in that crush, who was constantly living and working in the USA in twin-towers Jelena-Helen Gavriushina-Melnichenko – her mother was director of the school my children got education. Director of the school Gavriushina was born 6th of June. I have a friend in my childhood. Vladimir Vladimirovich Gaper. He was born 6th of June. Who is that friend? Everybody knows one Vladimir Vladimirovich, but he wasn’t born at the 6th of June. Putin is a friend of Kerkorian? Who is that my friend born 6th of June? I found that one. In the USA in Las Vegas. Kerkor Kerkorian. After reading his biography I saw that his owned MGM hotel, casino blown 21.11.1980. Interesting, that all those digits are digits of mine and my children’s dates of birth. More, even ID’s are the same. That friend was my own father’s and own grandfather’s manager? Why then the property wasn’t returned to me? Interesting that Bill Clinton had a nickname fly. After exact translating to Russian this mean to fly – as a pilot, a flyer. Manager was a pilot, a flyer. Why Bill Clinton, you ask?If bill – is billion, who clean’t billions then? Do you remember what is Bill Clinton wife’s name? Hillary Clinton. What is hillary clinton? Hi-Larry-Cleaner. Hello, Larisa who got in fly and cleaned… understand, yes? Monica Lewinski came into cabinet in White House at 28 of february 1997. Adopting family’s son Sergey Lopatinskiy was born 28 of February. Who knows what does it mean? In 10 June of 2006 in Diana,s Spencer family house resident of Russian special services Aleksandr Lebedev organized a meeting to memorize death of Raisa Gorbacheva. Michail,s Gorbachev wife died 20 09 1999. But 11.06.2006 I celebrated my 50 anniversary. It means all the strange recollecting organized just before my birthday. Why? How it is connected with the fact that 9 months before Raisa Gorbacheva died, 20.12.1998 died Jevgenij Bondarenko-son of Natalia Bondarenko who became also Lopatinska,ja after getting married with my adopting brother. It is she who is used to get my money without me to agree nor accept. Who helped her? Bush, Primakov visiting Lithuania they organized “accidental” meetings with me and my son. First used his security officers, second by himself. 11.03.2008 Poland visited Hosni Said Mubarak. 14.03.2008 we were proposed to leave Poland. We were getting by auto-stop in Italy. As well as we arrived to Italy, to Italy came Putin, who visited Poland and came to Berlusconi.Some years ago Berlusconi became Prime Minister 11.06.2001.In my birthday. What does it means? They have my money and business? They robbed me? They were so poor that needed my finances and my incomes? We live with son at street wearing some floor clothes. Was my father such a bad person? Is he blackmailed in such a way? Where is he now? Multiple applying to Silvio Berlusconi does nothing. What could be this person whom in my childhood I know as Silvia in Italy – my “mother” with wig and with man,s cigarettes, and which I must find if I need a defense and help? I know that part of finances former soviet agents transferred to someone in England. Queen Elizabeth and her husband visited to Lithuania (16.10.2006-18.10.2006)Jan Paul II became Pope in Rome 16.10.78. What Elizabeth and her husband need from me? After theres visit 21.10.2006 Hubertas Grusnys was killed, he was owner of radio stations and Lithuanian millionaire, whose radio Lietus a week before told about poisoning with toxicoids me and my son in our flat. In Lithuania for my financing and living my own father gave 10% shares of AO LUKOIL company to the oil company AB MAZEIKU NAFTA. For my financing in Lithuania responsible A.Brazauskas, B.Lubys (as everybody know Mr. Lubys is a friend of Mr. Nazarbajev), G.Chapanidze, V.Shkil. Mr. G.Chapanidze is in jail since 1996-1997. I was not financed at all. And didn,t ask nobody to sale or to present my finances or shares to anybody. I know that there are most of assets, which didn’t get in hands of those who robbed me. May be Mr. Alekperov knows what does it mean? In 19.8.1995 in Omsk died someone Ivan (Jan,Giovanni, Ioann) Lickevich. Do you know what does Lickevich means in polish? This is translated as calculate. What and whom calculated Lickevich?Ivan Lickevich was the director of the Omsk oil rafinery. In 3.7.2000 died with his son Gediminas Kesus.They are killed both. Gediminas Kesus was the director of the Mazeiku oil rafinery.When he was killed in Lithuanian newspapers was published information – some documents Gediminas Kesus put into some England bank. What the documents it was? Who started to kill the directors of oil rafineries and started putting the money into his own pockets? My money.In such way Lukoil go for another hands.Rats hands.
    Another savage attack against me began 20.10.2002 – 23.10.2002. In 23.10.2002 – 26.10.2002 there was Nord-Ost in Moscow. My son and I had the same diagnosis as victims of Nord-Ost. Who do it? I have personal individual characteristic by which I can be easily identified – my right leg was disfigured while my mother was pregnant, and I was born with unique diagnosis. After many specific medical operations, my leg became passport, which couldn,t be forged. I demand to change my managers and carers, and I look for a country which could accept me and defend me.

  40. I am on prosthetic appliances since childhood: this is my own mark since
    birth. The last time there were strange things in my life. have been poisoned, many
    times bitten in different periods of time, there were traffic accident either.
    I have been presecuted by unknown people as if I would be a big enemy of a
    big person. But I couldnt even be an enemy: most of my time is with books according
    to my phisical disability. This all was in Lithuania, Vilnius. Who could
    know, who why and what reason makes such a cruel assault to me, threateaning my
    life and health? I have been poisoned by hydrochloric acid, toxines,disfigured
    my only healthy leg, I was beaten unmercifully not once,poisoned with halucinogenes
    and pushed with my son out to bogs in winter,where we have spent 3 nights.
    I know exactly about myself that since I have learned to read, I never put
    my nose to anythingm except books, which are published millions copies. Obviously,
    I am convinient object for slander and liers. For slander, non-limit, prejudice
    – answer. I have a right to know who why and what for organiized all these
    cruel things. Own up! Answer. Pay for. How do You think, what could be the reason
    of such a cruelness: a) I am the only in Lithuania who is not an agent of special
    (intelligence) service, as well as casual (stupid) b) I am a heiress of a
    billionth capital, but somebody forgot to inform me about it c) some other
    reasons I would like to find those, who think that honor and justice are
    in prior. Who is not afraid to defend against scums.

    The most important thing to me is to be safe against non-armed agression
    in Lithuania, and justice in all forms to be.
    I am looking for those, who – 1. would find the causes of the savage attacks in Lithuania against me and would protect either. 2. would recollect debts calculated for savage attacks and damages made to me. This would be made from all the dealers and managers of the attacks. 3. would find out and calculate an amount of my heritage. 4. would return all the stolen assets to me, plus, soap foam (dividend). 5. A person who would do mentioned, would become the manager of
    my assets. 6. From every next my earned million would gain half for my defence
    and my security. Me personally and my interests, as an addition to said.

    Please, do
    not drive just to look at us.But if you wish to stare very much at us then
    let us do it for pay. My cost for one staring at me – is EUR1000 from each
    person.Better say what is the problem, where is my own father, his friends
    and my money.Does not it time to return them to me?

    Where is my money. One of the most important – which sums and whom for they
    were set by my father with the task of my finansing. For my finansing obligation was on the Lubys,Skil,Brazauskas,Chapanidze. How did they care about me? Threw away from work? Paid me 100S per
    month? Is it the way they should care about myself? Now the main question how
    much of the main assets were transferred, and where? If I do not mistake,
    the mans who I am talking about really had care financially about me. They gave
    me credit with the rate if 24% per year with the real estate guarantee. Now
    they are is blocking process of returning the credit. Good commercial deal,
    doesnt it-give me credit using my personal assets with the huge rates and
    my real estate guarantees. Tell me, how should such mans be named? Who should
    know about this financial fraud – please, consult me.
    When I had been poisoned with hallucinogenes I didnt know where to go, in
    my diary I drew dresses. I explained myself that when I earn money I put
    them on myself. How I was surprised when I saw polish Playboy in train, with
    my dresses. But not in draw, but in result by Chloe and Mexx. Please, who
    knows that person, who dared to steal my drawings and sell to the famous
    agencies of business fashion. Who is responcible for that, how do you think?

    Variuos methods of poisoning us with hallucinogenes are used as in lithuania,in
    poland.They are coming and putting hallucinogenes on carpets.But you can
    still be sytrongly poisoned even if you are drinking simple cola which you
    are taking by yourself in a refridge in various shop.This allows to think
    about hypnose,most likely night one.

    Everything was starting rather simply. Huge country broken, people lost job, me either.There were hysteria ALIENS GO HOME. With precision of clock engine I was thrown out from any job I worked.Exactly by the scheme you are alien,and that was logical.It was rather normally that wihtout relatives, connections, without being of an elite nationality, can’t do anything.
    First real attack on me: savage disfunction of my only health leg – accident on the road.When those «accidents» became usual during short period of time,some man (don’t remember who) said me «this is an order», «you have big enemies».I rolled eyes widely and couldn’t understand where enemies from – I am a person who do not like and can’t do anything except reading books.But someone didn’t learned alphabet, and strongly hated to read. I was savagely poisoned by hydrochloric acid,chased on mogs,started to be poisoned by hallucinogenes.I run over security firms, with the help asks,when I was told there not to find out anything but to move out. Where should a person get money for moving out,when a person got about 60$ and regularry was thrown out from job? I tried to go to banks,but black information was quickly created,with magician’s trick ways for bank credit were closed for me.I became to look for a private creditor. Nobody gave without 24% year rate.I agreed for that.Than by the different reasons private persons became to change their’s mind and reject either.At last a man appeared who agreed to gave credit.I said him honestly – no money,butbu
    First Datebut still want to try myself as a designer.I proposed business project.I was giving my flat and my work,he was giving his money.First of all I moved out from to cure myself after multiple poisoning and attacks.I stood myself up and returned to make project come true.But no way.It became obvious that there is no possibility to rent a room for me in Vilnius (nor it was,or rejected me,or threw out during short period of time).There were no where to live,no where to put our things.90% of things from my 3-room flat I gave to people as a present.Nobody let us with son live in except in hotels.Reconstruction of the flat was near military actions.Construction workers asked money from me,took prepaid sum,didn’t finish work or just went away.It was multiple sindrome of a long lasting nightmare.When one plumber threw in my flat expencive expensive units, with voice of ventriloquist moving hands stated that I have black aura,even stupid like me understood that someone is masterly mocking. Constantly, workers were leaving flat, I looked for others. At last reconstruction finished, neighboors stopped argueing,and I got little miracle.I didn’t beleive my eyes-my idea came true. My results were valued at first by my security firm.Fellows said it was great.I became to sell it.It was viewed more than 1000 times per month on the internet site owned by creditor.Everybody looked,noone bought.I was told that the flat was too expensive.The flat had price 15% lower than other.People became to propose price of an old abandoned barn.Another realtor from another lithuanian town arrived to vilnius to see my flat.He stated the price that he could sell the flat. The mentioned price was 20% higher than even my own optimistic.But realtor wanished. After that market of real estate was fallen in Lithuania.Some clever constructed buildings gyps-cardboard and became to sell it by normal price.All that time was chase on me,poisoning with toxines and hallucinogenes,arrests,beating,criminal cases.When we moved out to Poland with difficulties, creditor stated that he wishes to arrest my flat and would organize auction.I remind you that there are not only his finances frozen in that flat,but my work and my assets-my flat is my investition.Doing like creditor says,he just robs his partner.Who has right to leave me without my investments,project,design and ideas,my business incomes at last.What should be told and lied to organize the same repressions in another country, make me live on the street with hunger? I did everything talanted and more: I made my word and obligations come true.I think its time to say thruth: what is problem in? Is in my own father and grandfather who looked as Jan Paul II? They looked like him,or he looked like my own grandfather and father? After all attacks I may be have a right to know the truth.
    Recollect debts for me from my enemies and return stolen assets. I publish account number. IBAN: PL69 1440 1228 0000 0000 0403 0672, S.W.I.F.T. (BIC): NDEAPLP2

  41. My own father have a symbol and look like Joann Paul II. Symbol of my own father in Vatican. My own father worked in USA, lived in Italy . He lived, worked and had friendship with John Kennedy, he knew Silvio Berlusconi, knew well Andrzej Mari Deskur. My own father was born in Tumen town in Russia, Siberia in 1923.He had name Ivan Ginko in Russia, but he is catholic and his name Joann (Jan), he is polish man. I am his only child. He should have lived in USA and Italy using name Nick (or Nickolas) also. He had own brother Stanislav.

    I was born in 1956, 11th of June. I am a journalist. My name is Anna – Kristina- Alexandra. My mother died when I was little about 3 years. Her name was Dora. Her brother name was Leva
    ( Lion, Leo ). Her fathers name was Naum, my grandfather was jew,worked in USA and lived in Italy. I was brought to Siberia when have 9 month. I lived with grandmather, mother of my father in Siberia. I was adopted when I was about 4 years. And from that time I have a name Natalia ( Nick’s daughter) . My own mother’s name was Dora, adopting mother got this name also because I remembered that name. Parents of my mother – are jews, I was rounded with love and care exactly of jews in my childhood. I am an impaired person since birth, and walk with the help of prosthetic appliances.I was 12 y.o. when Jiosif Kobzon arrived to sing at clinics in a small acting hall for 30 seats,in Kurgan town in 1968. I had many operations. Only in 18 y. I started to walk with my own feet, I stand on my feet. This was my little heroism. But in old jewish town Vilnius I am jewish daughter and grand-daughter in 2 october 2001 y. I was forced to repeat it not once – injured my only health leg and «gave» me back prosthetic appliances, I was poisoned by toxins and again I had to use prosthetic appliance due to swollen legs. Someone liked very much to see me on prosthetic appliances. Someone liked very much to stain my child heroism. May be there is someone who would help me to present them those prosthetic appliances if they like them so much once and forever.
    My place of living was Vilnius, Lithuania- my own father hid me here. But I don’t know why. But I know that Mazheikiu Nafta had 10% shares of Lukoil, may be somebody know why? Or may be ysomebody know why Brazauskas,father of twins,was the head of some company in Gedimino 11? I think somebody gave there world for one person,may be they don’t forgot about it?

    Since 1993 year I was pressed financially at first, I lives with my son and we have 60-100$ for month. And even it is well known that a person is dead without money, my attackers didn’t stop – since 2001 year I had seven savage attacks on me on a territory of Lithuania – was poisoned with HCl, toxicoids,I was systematically trivially beaten, I had a traffic accident – was hit by a car on the pedestrians on green light for me, poisoned with hallucinogens and with my son pushed out to bogs in winter, where we have spent 3 nights. Those attacks started 3 weeks after twin-towers in the USA were ruined. They were ruined in 11.09.2001. I was born in 11.06 – month of twins-gemini. More, the only citizen of Lithuania died in that crush, who was constantly living and working in the USA in twin-towers Jelena-Helen Gavriushina-Melnichenko – her mother was director of the school my children got education. Comparing all I have come to the conclusion-was constantly interested in information about me and my children from the USA. And was blackmaile. The question is where is my father? The attacks on me were started with disfiguring of my only healthy leg. The only possible reason – to hide my natural lambing. May be someone was looking for me in Lithuania after twin-towers were ruined. Didn’t it happen that there appeared false information about me that I was not lamby since childhood, but just one since that organized accident? Who did that change and who needed it. Who started forcely to keep me in Lithuania. Who set his control and began his savage actions? And became blackmailing my own father. In 1995 council of the USA in Lithuania asked our newspaper where I worked to take an interview with him, to meet with him in embassy. Interview was published. Who was asking reports and information about me that time? And very important guestion where is my own father, his money, business? Where is my own grandfather’s Naum business and money? Where is my own mother’s Dora business and money?
    In 2002 security officers of George Bush came to Lithuania and organazing »accidential» meeting with me and my son, in April of 2005 Mrs. Condoleeza Rize’s security officers came to Lithuania, organizing «accidential» looking with my son. Why George Bush’s people are interested in me and my children? There were Valdas Adamkus that time for several years as a president of Lithuania – citizen of the USA and a member of Republican Party of the USA, he lived in Chicago. The question is whose are those ears and eyes? Whose is that manager? During the time of his «management» those savage attacks appeared and happened in Lithuania. When there were elections in Lithuania and american citizen Valdas Adamkus voted, president of the USA arrived by himself to support the pretendent. There were nothing bad in that. But there is interesting moments. Vilnius appeared like big construction plot and Bush’s security strictly were refusing Bush visit Lithuania. Bush refused his traditional morning exercises but didn’t refuse to visit the country. His security didn’t refuse to run by Vilnius and personally look at me and my son. I won’t mistaken if say that control of my property and agression against me is result of the interest same person. American president knows that person. Primakov as Bush’s security organizing »accidential» meeting with me and my child too.What fetched Primakov and Bush to God forgotten place? What made one personally and the second with his security be intereseted in me and my son? Who am I and whose grandchildren are my children if such high persons has stable interest?
    Starting from 2001 y. I had seven savage attacks on me on a territory of Lithuania – was poisoned with HCl, had traffic accidents, I was trivially beaten, poisoned by toxins, generousely and systematically – with hallucinogenes, it was such a savage and horror, which has no words to describe. I was under personal real genocide there. As a reason my roots were mentioned to me. I want to know who I am and who are my own parents. I want to know who are my grandfather and grandmother by mother’s line. Who was my own grandfather Naum and his daughter Dora?
    When my name was changed, and I became Natalia after being Anna my own father became Nicolas after being Ioann. My own grandfather had Nicolas name too. Jewish names was not very liked in the Soviet Union. My grandfather’s real name was Naum. There was woman’s with my face photo in my childhood photo album. She holds me on hands, beside her a man , her brother Lev(Leo,Lion,Levushka). They were killed both. My child foto album was stolen. Who decided to threw out the photo album and that photo with two my loved people pictured? I often think what was started from and whose is that anger which following me – I am absolute copy of my own mother. My face is my own mother’s face. Who hated her? Who killed? Who hated her brother and also killed? Who is hating my own father whoes symbol in Vatican, and who is hating their’s daughter? And who robbed me? May be this is one and the same person? Who damaged me while I was an embryo inside my mother? Why I was born with one tibial bone (shin bone)? Because my own father was Father or it was my own grandfather? Someone decided to abuse them? Their’s daughter and granddaughter’s tibial bone was planned for a dog? Is that why my own father and own grandfather decided against enemy’s wish to make that dog big and rich? And made my damaged leg unique. And wrote papers for property to me, all what they had and what they wanted. That way defending my life and bonusing dog. That one who robbed me, what did he bite? Everything? When life became extremely hard, I decided to publish my ads in the internet – I decided to get married. I took myself name Dalia, comunicated with person named Bill. Then countries and continents happily looked film «Kill Bill» and «Kill Bill 2». All the hell was taken as if from my life. Except, I wasn’t any agent but stupid short-leg fem reading books. And I came out from death not only but with my younger son. It was in Moletsky region in october 2002.
    When attackes by poisoning me just begun I started to run around security firms with asks to defend me, take samples in my flat to find out what I was poisoned with. As you remember everybody solidely refused.Who was interested that I would be ill, destroyed, killed? What bad my own father and own mother could do own grandmother and grandfather by mothers line, that there are such savage attacks on their’s daughter and granddaughter. Why I am living on the street, am hungry, because my own parents refused me? No, they didn’t refuse me. Then where are their’s money and property and who is using that? Why this all wasn’t returned to me till now? How much assets must have been left to me, for such intervention of country to take it over? May this is the real reason of all those savage attacks and control? But moreover, it became obvous, I, impaired, can earn by myself. Still, all my earning were stealed or blocked, and possibilities systematically closed. Why? All my financial sources are being blocked. I am being thrown out even from the most black jobs. My accounts, any possibility to earn are being stolen from me.
    Vilnius security firm UAB Pasala consulted me that I am under persecution and pressure of russian special service workers. Unexpectedly radio «Lietus» broadcasted terrible news: some people of Fabijoniskes district in Vilnius are being poisoned by benzol and other toxic materials, as a result of not legal activity. After a week at 21.10.2006y.millioneer, owner of radio media «M1», «M1+», «Lietus» etc. Hubertas Grusnys was deadly crashed with the plane during his landing.»The Baltic Times» openly wrote – «he was killed». I don’t know who asked Mr. Hubertas to tell the truth. I didn’t ask and do not know such people. That is how I found out what I was poisoned with in my flat in Vilnius, but this information costs human life.
    My life consisted mainly from necessarity to lay in bed, I walked with crutches.I never had any contacts with special services, nor worked for them. Only one time I was seriously threatened by one former or actual KGB worker in Lithuania without any understood reasons, it was Michail Mashkov, who contacted with «Lukoil» and worked in theirs’ office.
    In Lithuania I was many times beaten, hit by car of «Kalnapilis» company lawyer, poisoned with HCL,also benzene, hallucinogens by air in private flat at Ukmerges street; at night someone managed to intrude into my flat, and terribly make appear blade cuts on my body skin. One morning I waked up with damaged skin, it looked like from paper cuts, after which I several years slept with lights left switched on, fearing to have such cuts repeated. After some time my skin repaired, enemies were very delighted about it and I have got such cuts again, after I had such fear that even blocked doors and windows for nights. Month ago I heard strange talk, a man asked «how you cut her, with knife?», «no, with blade» woman answer. Who is responsible for that? When I had been poisoned with hallucinogens I didn’t know where to go, and I drew dresses in my diary. I explained myself that when I earn money I put them on myself. How I was surprised when I saw polish Playboy in train, with my dresses-but not in draw, but in result by Chloe and Mexx. Who dared to steal my drawings and sell to the famous agencies of business fashion?. Who is responsible for that ? Chloe and Mexx – American and Swiss firms. This is direct contact with that freak who organized me all the savages. Would anybody put stolen drawings in alien firms? Hardly. It means freak severely attacked me connected with the USA and Switzerland. Do I have any heritage in the USA? Who is that freak? Trustee of my property? Curious fact that nor me nor my own father, nor my own grandfather never belonged to business with prostitutes. However prostitutes organized shadowing me, making scandals, other troubles. What does it mean? Trustee of my property is a ponc additionally? I couldn’t leave Lithuania. I asked for help in various official structures of Lithuania. No one took any actions for my defense and punishment of guilties. I have been abused like «jewish pig», while others were told about me that I hate Jews. This all lies should have some reason. Differently, for last year I and my son were beaten 4 times, criminal cases were opened in Lithuania and in Poland. My son was forced to stay in Lithuania during investigation. While we were blocked we were continued to be poisoned by toxins. I or my son were accused in 3 of them. How is it called?! Vile and low-down action . Who answers for that? Who payed to Lithuania for that?
    I have a friend in my childhood.Vladimir Vladimirovich Gaper. He was born 6th of June. Who is that my friend born 6th of June? I found that one. In the USA in Las Vegas. Kerkor Kerkorian. After reading his biography I saw that his owned MGM hotel, casino blown 21.11.1980. Interesting, that all those digits are digits of mine and my children’s dates of birth. More, even ID’s are the same. That friend was my own father’s and own grandfather’s manager? Why then the property wasn’t returned to me? Interesting that Bill Clinton had a nickname fly. After exact translating to russian this mean to fly – as a pilot, a flyer. Manager was a pilot, a flyer. Why Bill Clinton, you ask?If bill – is billion, who clean’t billions then? Do you remember what is Bill Clinton wife’s name? Hillary Clinton. What is hillary clinton? Hi-Larry-Cleaner. Hello, Larisa who got in fly and cleaned… understand, yes? What words «MoNica Lewinski» does mean? Nick’s «left» daughter. My own grandfather’s Naum name in the USSR was Nikolaj (Nick ,Nickolas).In the USSR did not like jewish names. My adopting father was named after him also Nikolaj. My own father Ioann took himself name Nick for west. What for he took name Nick? May be for his own daughter’s purposes to know how to find him if she needed? I want sincerely lots of thanks to that man who paid Democratic party, Bill Clinton’s elections and scenes with Monica Lewinski, left for me and whole world that interesting live picture about information where my money gone. I mentioned that when I was in infantry school Ivan Kostroma (my own father’s name Ivan, his parents lived in Tumen city, Siberia, but came from Kostroma) came to class nearly the same time twin-girl ( I was born in 11.06 – this is sign of twins – Gemini) named Izolda Grave. She had a sister twin Lilly. The name of that manager pilot’s mother was Lilly. More, when I lived in Freesk ( Wolsk ) I have a friend – my friend Arkadij Chainy from Wolsk had curious second name – Aaron’s son. The name of father of pilot-manager was Aaron. And who knows what all does it mean? Why they forgot to return me property, but do not forget to organize me attacks?
    7.09.2006 I loudly got idea why russian oligarh Arkadij Wolskij had such recognizable for me name, he disappeared after two days. He died. Did he became ashamed, that he didn’t complete my own father’s ask, Ivan’s (John’s, Joann’s), who’s second name after father he had got, or someone didn’t want very much, that Arkadij Wolskij would became informed, that he was frauded, and instead of Father’s daughter shew him other woman, making swapping?
    One month later 7.10.2006 was killed Anna Politkowskaya. Reading information about Anna Politkowskaya I found out astonishing that she lived at Moscow, Lesnaja 8. I don’t know if Politkovskaya lived by that address anywhere, but completly exactly know that by address Lesnaja 8 in Swietoszow lived me with my own family in 80-ths. As I wrote my real name is Anna and I am a journalist. By the way, the newspaper where she worked and was the same newspaper ( Novaya gazeta)which took advertising from Yukos, but didn’t give me work. Was it fault of Yukos? Was it their’s condition? Anna Politkowskaya was the only person from that newspaper who always first greeted me. She was born in the USA. What did Anna Politkowskaya knew about me?She knew who I am, my real name? Or she knew my own father? Who knew that my real name is Anna and killed Politkowskaya? Wasn’t it that person who did so, that I need now even to prove that I am a daughter? Interesting moment – head of security of Jan Paul II during very long time was a person with the name Camillo Cibin. Connecting it with the name of my cousin also Cibin – that surname is rather rare – how do you think where should I look for my own father?
    Once again Rotsheld risks to wake up tied without paints, his children robbed poisoned and they would even be forced to prove that they are his children. Who is that freak? Where is my own father and where is his property and finances? I was treated in a very similair way. I also was robbed, forced to be at line of poorness. One and the same scheme was used. Is my own father so bad man? Or someone owed him very much? May be many people became trustees of my inherited assets, and yet used to think my inheritage theres? Where is my own father? And where are his assets and money? For such a complex operation with my finances they must have had someone’s help and support. Who helped them? Who devided and took my money? In 1995 y. russian jews appeared in Lithuania, who got citizenship of Israel or the USA. They broke quickly and solidely those who ruled Lithuania before that. Started financial institution like representetive of «Konversbank» and called it «AB Bankas Snoras». I have recently found out that Andrius Grigas, responcible for technical support (bugs on the gsm phones), was many times gathering information on my property – 3 room flat, using Center of Registers. This fact is supported by documents – report list from Center of Registers. How specialist for bugs is connected with me? I had «ears» of Snoras? Snoras was involved in attacks on me? Where is my own father? What could my own father owe in Russia? Place of living of my father – Tumen. What is Tumen? It is oil and gas. Those who was persecuting me, poisoned me, beaten me, made severe attacks on me, did they know what my own father owed in Russia? What was the reason for such interest. Bank Snoras gave me credit? Had its «ears» in my flat? What for! I didn’t even have an account in Bankas Snoras. What is Bankas Snoras? It is his chairman citizen of Israel and inhibitant of Moscow Yefim Borodulin. It is interesting that arriving of Yefim Borodulin in Vilnius was at the same time as my from adopting family adopting brother’s wife Bondarenko. After marriage, let us note, Natalia Bondarenko had not only the same name as me, but and the same surname as mine -Natalia Lopatinskaya. Her son died 20.12 1998 and 9 month later 20.9.1999 died Raisa Gorbacheva.She has the same diagnose as Bondarenko son. Bondarenko was an active member of savages attackes against me in Vilnius.Who helped Bondarenko? Bank Snoras – is representative of Konversbank. What is Konversbank? It is Mr.Wolskij and Mr. Primakov?.Curious fact, that after Borod’ulin and Bondarenko came at Vilnius, Mr.Wolskij appeared, after then and Mr.Primakov. Mr.Primakov manages to organize for himself possibility to look at me and my younger son. What is happening that time with oil and gas in Lithuania? Oil and gas rules company William’s from the USA. The same time president of Lithuania becomes citizen of the USA also. After some time William’s company sells its shares to Yukos company with central office in the USA. What is Yukos? It is Hodorkovskij, who wasn’t imprisoned that time yet. And a group of his friends. Everybody knows that they are fellows of Mr.Wolskij. But are they his only? After Yukos and citizen of USA Valdas Adamkus came to Lithuania just after half a year first savage attack on me was completed. Was it accidentially? After this attack I arrive at Moscow, I had medical treatment, then started to cooperate with one famous newspaper,where Politkowskaya worked. What you think, during first week huge advertising of Yukos appears in that newspaper, articles and everything about Yukos I was thrown out from that newspaper at all. I was nearly forced to return to Lithuania and just in several days was severely poisoned by hallucinogenes. If my father didn’t owe oil of Tumen, what Yukos needs from me? Orlen came to Lithuania after Yukos. Did owners of Yukos and those who severely attacked me became owners of Orlen?
    Some V.Shkil – may be you know that man-was organized pressing of me in Lithuania, and now I am persecuted in Poland either. 3 days before my arrival at Poland this man visited Poland. My arrival was signed by important action: I and my son were beaten once again not in Vilnius but in Warszaw – one polish security firm and policemen did theirs. One more fact – law firm of V.Shkil stands beind my credit financing deal, as well as followed interests of Orlen in accusition of Mazeikiu nafta. What a maniacs are they? Maniacally insists to persecute jewish granddaughter and father’s daughter, whose symbols is Joann Paull II? Forgetting to inform where is my own father’s, my own mother’s, her own brother’s and my own grandfather famous financier’s business and property? My grandfather and my parents lived in Italy, worked in the USA. So, who are those fascists, became animals due to money and forgot to return me what my relatives left to me? May be you know that fascists?
    I need you help because they pressed me till now and I dont know who answers for that? I won’t mistake if say that all those atrocities and poisoning with HCl were need only for putting me into clinics and mounting of «cowl». Insert special technics into me and start tough controlling me. Those animals needed medics. And such animals were found in clinics of Lazdijaj in Vilnius. I remember how cruel and savagely staff rushed to me, holding my arms and legs, inserting probe into my stomach. I run from Lithuania . When effects of poisoning with hallucinogens reduced, I started to suppose that strange transmitting device installed in me. I think even that something might be mounted in my left ear, or throat, in breast area. I had pain in breast which was avoided by drinking water, now it is constant and stronger, my left ear hear as from pillow. In that strange transmitting installed in me I hear :»lamby pussy», «hi’ll hitler», «fool», «animal». Mainly in russian language. I hear: «have you got an automatic gun? sterilized?», «two entered yet… quietly, into hall… what else you have there?» I have deal with some technics and real sounds. What did I heard then? Someone braked into a flat and robbing it? I have not comletely studied work of this technics, I mean sense of speech – «Irka – cafee, Irka – cafee. Do you know my administrator? Your administrator was two heads away from you – I didn’t know this was your administrator, and I have short talk with your administrator. Let’s fyck. «What is it? Asking who is that administrator, I hear that strange transmitting answered me that I am an idiot, and never guess who is administrator, who is Irka and her friend. Who are those freaks who uses such lexicon, methods, and technics? If this is technics, how can I get rid of that installed into me? In other words, how to remove technics which fascists in Lithuania pushed into me and used by some freaks speaking in russian language? I ask you to help me. While looking for the freak I wrote a letter to chief of CIA of Russia Fradkov. After 4 days fascists go to me and I heard »hill hitler»and voices as if by strange transmitting device, which was pushed into me in lazdinai hospital of Vilnius. Voices became loudly and clearly transmit random conversations: someone with feminine voice all the day with 5 min pauses shouted: «surprise». I spinned my head around, no one was in near area. I heard «fycked journalist»,»lamb pussy»,»machine in throat»,»kill valera in israel»,»gave poison at morning»,»i wish she died faster»,»your misha the jew is dead»,»i hate her»,»then we lost completely, may be pay her?». Sometimes I heard horsey laughing of complete idiots. And it lasted 24 hours a day during a month. Not enough that I was cut in Vilnius with blade, I was abused «pig jewish», the only health leg was disfigured, poisoned, beaten, they tried to make me sunk in winter bogs, and generously hated. With an exact of clocks, they disfiguring leg forced me to learn walking in 45,46,49 and 51 years, what I did like a maniac.I need a car, like oxygen, but had no money. But someone knew that I need a car and just simply mocked from me. You need machine, no problem. Have a machine in throat. I do not open mouth now, but hear how my thoughts are commented inside some freaks. I am quiet, and they hear. That was clear. I was not only heard like tape recorded, I became naked from inside and mocked about it. I was not only poisoned but and spitted over from inside. I understood,something should be done with those freaks. But first, need to know who are they, those scums. What a strange technique of special services to force such things inside mind? Around 25 of November 2007 y. I hear- » I am going to New-York» and in night 27-28 of November 2007 y.- «body took FBI».Who was killed in New -York in that day? That transmitting device hated me very much and hated jews. And sometimes asked some sense able questions-»Where is the key?Where is the code?».
    Non-stopping roaring and orchestras of sounds began since 2003 end- beginning 2004 year till now! During that time David wrote me that document about me was stolen, also he returned it. Since those times constant roarings and noises are heard 24 hours a day. They has gone only once- for several minutes. This helped my logic to conclude that the reason is technical, in that case somewhere near my left ear installed device. This device helps to torture me with 24 hours a day madhouse inserting hate into me without coming to me nearby. Who knows, what a device it could be, which was mounted in my left ear, and why someone is roaring in it «hi’ll hitler».
    May somebody knows who is a master and author of that all and whose people are having fun with that. This device is rather not usuall – sometimes I hear «lamby pussy» – and electrical shock is hitting me in the place children bear. I hear «hart is diwing» and I was wakening up all swollen and swelled, hearing additionally «i’ll kill you» and everything was blowing up in my head. I heard: «now I get you» and impulse shocked my arms, forcing them to move separately with some pauses. I heard «bad idiot» – and an impulse was in my right leg, which was disfigured since birth. I astonishingly heard, «your jewish son is hey» – and it all over the day. Who knows who is having fun with all that, whose is that fascistic organization. During last 4 years set of sounds is constant. It was mixed up with noises after hallucinogens. But later or earlier even such stupid like me understands hand-made-technical causes of such things. So who is that freaking fascist, and what a espionage device is that, who was mounted in me in old Jewish town Vilnius? Who is that freak?
    I was starting my life from zero multiply. When I was 45 y.o. after my only healthy leg was injured, poisoned with HCl and chased to bogs in winter, where we have spent 3 nights, I moved to Russia. Left everything and moved out. What did those who severed in Lithuania do? Attackers continued calmly theirs staff in Russia as if nothing changed. Threw out me from work, from places of living. I walked in boots for winter during summer – had no money to buy summer boot, amd dressed winter clothes. In thick winter clothes I hadn’t money to buy summer clothes. I was returned to Lithuania with force and lie, after which continued to poison. I left journalism, then attackers came to spread hallucinogenes under carpets and my pillows. I started to draw dresses, drawings were stolen, and ready product – clothes put in fashion houses Chloe and Mexx continued severely poison. Until I roared, run over all security firms, I was chased evelly. UAB «Ekskomisaru biuras» promised – there no pretensions to you, you may freely leave Lithuania. I took a credit and made reconstruction in my flat. What my «friends» did? Blocked credit financing, gave me my own assets, given by my father for financing me but left in the pockets of attackers, with 24 percents year rate interest. Blocked reconstruction due to additional percents and unearned money. All the terms of reconstruction works were last, again due to additional not-earned percents, and not earned money. At the end crushed market of real estate and again blocked selling of my flat. Came to meet birthday away from Lithuania, when returned me and my son where took from train by lithuania custom because of lithuanian police. My son was arrested. We were blocked in Lithuania. I was poisoned by hallucinogenes again. Is this called «no pretensions to you – you are free»? When I was unblocked I started my life from zero. Rented a room in Poland. What did my attackers do? Threw me out of that room, left me without possibility to earn even at most dark jobs.There was one and the same scheme in Lithuania, Russia and Poland. Constant hallucinations are guaranteed to me till the end of my life. Who is that freak? How many times and how long I must start life from zero. What happened with my own flat in Vilnius? Who must pay for that? Who must pay for all that savages and fascists things? And where is my own grandfathers and own father’s money? And where is there s oil buisness that they left in Lithuania? Gas buisness?In Russia? In Italy? In Poland? In USA?

  42. ριτσα μασουρα 25 Ιουλίου, 2008 — 12:12 μμ

    dora, tha to diavaso epistrefontas…


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